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Should I use a downlight or a spotlight in my study?

Source: PengKe Lighting

Time: 2019-12-03

  The question of which lamp is more suitable for the study has always been tangled by many families. So, should we use a downlight or a spotlight?

  Downlights and spotlights
  Want to know whether the study is more suitable for the use of downlights or spotlights, first of all, we must understand the difference in the way of light distribution between the two.
  Downlights do not have too much light-concentrating effect. The beam angle is large, the irradiation range is wider, the light is softer, and the eyes will not have a strong irritation when looking directly, especially the anti-glare downlight.
  The spotlight has a significant light condensing function, a narrower beam angle, and a smaller angle and range of illumination. It is very suitable for irradiating individual objects to highlight the edge contour and layering, and is not suitable for large-area environmental lighting. Yes, it's easy to shoot directly into the human eye if the angle is wrong.
  Obviously, downlights are more suitable for study
  From the function of the study, it is mainly for quiet study, reading, and even efficient work as a home studio.
  According to the functional requirements of the study, it is obvious that the downlight is more suitable for basic lighting. As a point light source, the light distribution design emphasizes uniform and soft light, which can reasonably distribute light to the study space. The downlight is embedded in the ceiling of the ceiling, and the overall effect is simple, atmospheric, and aesthetically in line with the trend of simplicity.

  Anti-glare must be done
  In addition, the lighting environment of the study requires strict control of glare, and it is also necessary to ensure that the desktop illumination reaches the standard.
  Find out the difference and usage of downlights and spotlights, and reasonable use will make the light environment of the study more layered and more in line with human needs!
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